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our mission

Our mission is to support our vulnerable children through the people who look after them. Our aim is to bring our knowledge and experiences into our courses so that you; the carer, have the tools needed to incorporate them in real life. Outside of consultancy our trainers bring a wealth of experience and expertise including backgrounds in Child Psychology and Trauma. All of our trainers are still caring for looked after children in one capacity or another.

This is why we believe so strongly in supporting others via training in these social care roles. We have already supported Residential home staff, Foster Carers and Mentors but we welcome any learner.

Through educating and supporting the carer we ultimately support the child.

We have a range of training methods for you to choose from to suit all budgets and our courses are CPD certified so you can make your decision with the assurance you are in good hands.

why use pre-recorded?

With our pre-recorded PowerPoint style course you can learn on the go, on the train, on the bus with instant access wherever, whenever you like, again and again. One way to keep the budget low, you can work in your own time, no pressure and of course- great value for money.

Please note this version of the course is independent learning with PowerPoint and emailed resources with feedback sheet.

why use virtual?

Our Virtual courses are a great option for a group of learners, no travel time, easy access and simply pick your date and time.

We are able to send over resources before the course so that you can have them to hand whilst training or reflect on them after the course is finished. Once you have completed your course we will send over CPD certified certificates that you can add to your portfolio.

why face to face?

Our face to face courses offer a different learning experience that you cannot get online. Our trainers are personable, proactive and passionate. Trainer led courses have better outcomes due to learners having direct interaction with trainer and fellow learners. Learners reported better concentration than on virtual courses. Once you have completed the course we will send over your CPD certified certificate to add to your portfolio.

training courses

Therapeutic caring

Therapeutic Caring & the PACE model has been widely recognised as an effective care model for foster care agencies and residential settings. Click below for more details.



An insight to the ADHD brain,

developing awareness for ADHD traits,

methods of treatment,

managing ADHD behaviours and more. Click below for details.

An insight to child trauma

In this course we look at how to support children that have experienced trauma in early life and how it affects the brain. This course is for developing strategies and skills to enable us to care for our children when they need it the most.

Coming soon

Compassion fatigue

coming soon

an insight to foster caring

Coming soon

Therapeutic Packages

Coming soon

Child's Drawing and Magnets on Refrigerator Door as Background
Little children smiling at camera
Happy Kid Play Superhero , Boy Power Concept

Therapeutic caring -with pace

This course has been created for foster carers, residential children’s home staff, social care workers, teachers , parents and is perfect for every person working with children. It is based on PACE which is a model developed by Dan Hughes for children that have experienced trauma and difficulties in early life. Therapeutic caring and parenting is now widely recognised across the social care sector and the feedback has always been outstanding. Ofsted are always happy to see Therapeutic training completed by professionals.

Therapeutic Caring opens up a new way of thinking for the grown ups, creating positive relationships and focusing on accepting the child’s inner world.

This training teaches to explore and understand the behaviours presented at a time of dysregulation. Together brain storming strategies and unpicking behaviours you will take away the tools needed to implement Therapeutic Caring in real life.

Learn from professionals and foster carers who have lived and breathed Therapeutic Caring in real life whilst managing challenging behaviours.

Duration: 4 hours*

option 1- Pre-recorded PowerPoint cost: £35

option 2 - Virtual course cost: £197

option 3 - Face to face course cost: £329

*course duration is based on live virtual course, times may vary slightly.

Our virtual course is for up to 10 learners to ensure full benefit of course and to facilitate group interactions.

Our face to face courses are designed for up to 15 learners.

understanding adhd

Our Understanding ADHD course has been created for people who work with children, such as residential staff, foster carers, teachers, and other childcare professionals.

We look at discovering what ADHD is, where it comes from and the three types of the disorder.

Together we identify signs of ADHD, how they present different in each person but also how the present different in girls and boys. We explore the process of diagnoses and co-existing conditions aka comorbidities.

We spend time looking at how it feels to have ADHD through a child’s eyes and ways we can actively support children drawing on their strengths and using strategies to build on their weaknesses.

We look at ADHD treatments and therapies for children and teens, as well as ways to manage ADHD behaviours at home.

Using the knowledge gained from this course it will enable you to have an informed insight to a child or young person with ADHD and equip you with the tools needed to successfully support children with ADHD.

Duration: 4 hours*

option 1- Pre-recorded PowerPoint cost: £35

option 2 - Virtual course cost: £197

option 3 - Face to face course cost: £329

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Illustration
Mental disorder concept. Frustrated stressed woman having anxiety problems, stress, headache. Vector illustration.

An insight to childhood Trauma

This course has been designed to help you to develop understanding along with the tools you need to support children and young people after a traumatic event.

You can confidently use these methods and insider tips to counsel little ones and young people. We take a look at the psychological effects of trauma created by crisis and being in ‘survival mode’.

We discuss the skills required to understand and care for our young people.

The course covers the different traumatic reactions specific to each developmental period and explains how to provide the appropriate psychological support.

Childhood trauma can be different for every person, it is an umbrella term. In this course we look at single event trauma and secondary trauma, among others.

We explore developmental trauma, we discuss adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) this includes abuse (physical, emotional and sexual), neglect and household challenges (such as parent poor mental health, a parent who is incarcerated and the experience of domestic violence.)

Having completed this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the different types of trauma and their impact.
  • Explain the way the brain develops ‘bottom up’ for a young person with trauma.
  • The impact ACEs have on the lives of young people continuing into adult life.
  • Explore triggers and understand ‘out of the blue’ behaviours of our young people
  • Most importantly support young people when they are dysregulated..

Duration: 4 hours*

option 1- Pre-recorded PowerPoint cost: £tbc

option 2 - Virtual course cost: £tbc

option 3 - Face to face course cost: £tbc

coming soon

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